Olympic Peninsula Rivers
Olympic Peninsula Gear Fishing
We choose our gear fishing techniques on each fishing trip based on water conditions, targeted fish species, and our client's preference. If you have a particular technique you enjoy we can fish that way, or if there's a technique you would like to learn we will be happy to provide instruction and opportunity to hone your skills.
Gear fishing from a drift boat or raft while floating down the wild and scenic Hoh River is very effective. Float fishing with jigs, rubber worms, beads or yarn flies is a productive method of fishing on the Bogachiel River, as well as back trolling plugs on the Calawah River. We also cast spinners and spoons in addition to twitching jigs for Kings and Silver Salmon on the Sol Duc River. Of course, all of these techniques work well on all of our many rivers and we determine which ones will work best at the time of your trip.